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"Gokurakuyu yuizumi laboratory" is a research and development in the field of artificial hot springs and spa facilities, hot spring baths, research on human health promotion, international exchange and cooperation in the yuizumi technology field, and consulting services in related fields. The Research Institute will work with various research institutions, companies, local governments, and so on. We offer a valuable experience of YUI experience and open this new health door with our customers.

Soup equipment

Artificial regeneration hot spring technology has developed a world renown regeneration system. Typical products include: high concentration coal fountain facilities, milky bath facilities, world fountain reproduction equipment.

Spa facilities

There are spa facilities that promote the health of the bones of the human body and relax muscle fatigue. Typical products include: Super jet bath, relaxation bath, round bath.

Health promotion facility

Health promotion facilities are various bathing facilities, exercise facilities and auxiliary facilities using hot springs. It is an action to arrange the purpose of "hot spring". Typical products include: electric bath, snow vase, mineral sauna.

Consulting services

Consulting system on water treatment system, equipment technology, design and construction of hot spring area

Technical cooperation

Technical cooperation exchange of research and development of hot spring water facilities, hot spring water treatment technology, and integrated project development.

Brand output

Internationalization of the brand of "gokuraku Yu" is made to enjoy the health and enjoyment of yuizumi in many areas.

Mutual link